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Zhao Qiming attended SEPCOIII May 4th Commendation Conference and Young Employees Symposium

2024-5-9 18:09:23

On May 9th, the company held the May Fourth Commendation Conference and Youth Employee Symposium. Zhao Qiming, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman, and General Manager of the company, held a symposium and delivered an important speech with young representatives. Li Junwei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Trade Union, presided over the meeting. More than 1100 people attended, including heads of relevant headquarters departments, business support units, party organization secretaries of various business units, youth league cadres at all levels, young representatives, and young employees. The meeting will be held in a format of "main venue+video sub venue".

At the meeting, Li Junwei read out the "Decision on Commending the 2023 Company May Fourth Red Flag Youth League Branch, Outstanding Communist Youth League Members, and Outstanding Communist Youth League Cadres" and the "Decision on Naming the 2023 Company Youth Civilization Number and Commending the 2023 Company Youth Position Experts". Zhao Qiming presented awards to the individual and collective representatives who received the awards.

Subsequently, the Youth Employee Symposium officially began, collecting a total of 102 questions, opinions, and suggestions. At the meeting, 10 young representatives spoke one by one on topics such as technological innovation, business incentives, market development, and talent cultivation. The chairman exchanged and answered questions one by one based on his own growth experience and the current internal and external situation of the company. He emphasized that young employees should take "initiative, be good at innovation, and be willing to take responsibility" as their own code of conduct, always uphold a "high, strict, detailed, and practical" work style, use it to face difficulties and challenges, remain calm and composed when encountering situations, and learn to "trade time for space"; To prioritize improving one’s own abilities and integrate personal development into the overall development of the company; On the basis of mastering the professional and professional abilities in this field, we should strive to build ourselves into a versatile and versatile talent. He pointed out that the company has created a better environment and strong support for the development of young employees, and has successively introduced and implemented measures such as the "2+5" talent project, youth talent promotion, and issued various incentive systems and measures such as the "Company International Experience Index Management Measures" and the "Company Secondary Business Achievement Incentive Management Measures", providing a broad stage for young employees to make achievements in the new journey of the company’s "three entrepreneurship".

Finally, Chairman Zhao Qiming gave a concluding speech, expressing warm congratulations on behalf of the company’s Party Committee to the collectives and individuals who have been commended, and extending warm condolences and sincere gratitude to the young employees who have continued to work hard on the front lines of domestic and international projects, especially overseas. He reviewed and introduced a series of reform measures taken by the company in the past year, the construction of the employee team, and the fruitful development achievements achieved through the joint efforts of all cadres and employees in the company. He emphasized that the fact has proven that the "iron army" team of the three companies is unbeatable and unbeatable in any difficulty. Through a year of bold reforms, the company has presented a satisfactory answer sheet to the group company and all cadres and employees with excellent performance in 2023 and the first quarter of this year.

He analyzed the valuable opportunities facing the company’s current development and pointed out that the company is currently in a critical period of "three entrepreneurship" reform and development. It is necessary for young employees of the three companies in the new era to become the driving force and assault team for promoting high-quality development of the company. He also put forward four hopes for young employees:

One is to firmly establish ideals and beliefs, and always be wholeheartedly devoted to the Party. We must keep in mind the "Five Consciousness" requirements put forward by General Secretary to young cadres, and integrate the "Two Establishment" and "Two Maintenance" into our bloodline and actions; We must firmly uphold our ideals and beliefs, embrace the greatness of our country, inherit and carry forward the spirit of Longkou, and keep in mind our original aspirations and missions on the new journey of company development. We must work hard and forge ahead, and write a youth answer sheet that is worthy of the Party, the company, and ourselves.

The second is to root at the grassroots level and hone one’s skills. To understand the power of "rooting down", to base oneself on grassroots positions, to be brave enough to step out of comfort zones, and to actively go to overseas frontlines, difficult areas, and cutting-edge scientific and technological breakthroughs to bear hardships, burdens, and risks; To cultivate skills in entrepreneurship, to temper willpower in difficulties and setbacks, to maintain the resilience and courage of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, and to move forward in the face of difficulties, to bravely stand at the forefront of entrepreneurship three times and strive to be a strong enterprise pioneer.

The third is to continue the spirit of struggle and uphold consistent responsibility. Be proactive in taking on responsibilities, actively learning, thinking, taking on new tasks, and daring to tackle tough challenges in daily work; To be good at innovation, strive to be a young leader in innovation and efficiency, cultivate lean management awareness, and achieve a spiral and continuous improvement of personal management ability level; Be willing to take responsibility, establish a strong sense of ownership, and promote the common development of the company and oneself with a strong sense of mission, responsibility, and strong work enthusiasm. Set a benchmark and flag in your position.

The fourth is to always maintain integrity and promote integrity. To fasten the first button of life well, make integrity and self-discipline a lifelong topic, young party members should seriously participate in party discipline learning and education, and young employees should actively approach the party organization; We must strictly abide by the political discipline, organizational discipline, and integrity discipline of the Party, hold the bottom line, stay away from the red line, and be vigilant against the yellow line; To establish a correct view of power and performance, calculate political accounts, organizational accounts, economic accounts, family accounts, and emotional accounts, and continuously improve one’s own qualities based on the principles of "cultivation rooted in the heart, freedom based on constraints, kindness for the sake of others, and self-awareness without reminders.".

Finally, the chairman sent a message to the young employees: establish a "green cloud aspiration", take advantage of the "wind of the times", bravely undertake the new mission and tasks entrusted by the company to the young people of the three companies in the new era, with the spirit of "daring to teach the sun and the moon for a new sky", integrate into the new journey of the company’s "three entrepreneurship", have fire in their hearts and strong feet, and make new achievements in promoting the high-quality development of the company!
