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Power China safety inspection team was dispatched to inspect and guide work at the BoXing Project.

2024-5-8 20:18:39

On the morning of May 8, Zhang Shitao, Director of the Safety and Environmental Protection Department of POWERCHINA, led a team to carry out safety inspection work in the National Energy Boxing project, and Zhao Qiming, Party Secretary, Chairman and General Mnager of SEPCOIII, accompanied the inspection.

At the meeting, Zhang Shitao, on behalf of the inspection team, affirmed and praised the achievements achieved in project planning, safety and quality control, system construction, and smart site construction, and put forward the following requirements for the next step of the project:

First, raise the political position, profoundly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on production safety, guard the red line of safety, and coordinate the work of safety and development, development and environmental protection.

Second is to grasp the three-year action to tackle the root causes of production safety, comprehensively improve the level of management personnel’s safety management ability, and conscientiously implement the main responsibility for production safety.

Third, we will consolidate the grass-roots foundation of production safety, vigorously rectify the phenomenon of on-site violation of rules and regulations, and the managers will go deep into the front line of construction, strictly control the training and delivery of instructions, and truly fulfill their duties and responsibilities.

Fourth, grasp the risk management and control and strengthen the hidden danger investigation and management, comprehensive investigation of high-risk work sites and risk sources, mapping out the major safety risks and hidden dangers, and seriously do a good job of hidden danger investigation and canceling work.

Fifth, adhere to the concept of people-oriented emergency management, improve the level of emergency management, learn the lessons from major accidents, make emergency preparations and strengthen the level of emergency drills.

Sixth, do a good job related to energy saving and environmental protection, seriously implement the development concept of green mountains are golden mountains, and achieve synergistic development of engineering construction and ecological protection.

Zhao Qiming, on behalf of the company, expressed his heartfelt thanks for the recommendations of the group inspection team and made a statement on the direction of future work:

First, attach great importance to, pay close attention to rectification. Set up a working group, formulate a rectification program, take the construction of grass-roots party branches as a leader, comprehensively promote the rectification of problems, and continuously grasp the tracking and supervision work.

Second, take the problem as the guide, and solidly carry out the three-year action of production safety to cure the root causes. In-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important thesis and instructions on production safety, seriously implement the “party and government are equally responsible, one job and two responsibilities, co-management” related requirements, fully implement the main responsibility for production safety.

Third, we will do a good job in the current and future work related to production safety. Organize and carry out a large-scale investigation of hidden dangers, improve the monitoring and early warning and emergency response mechanism, promote the overall safety situation of the company to be stable and good, and build a foundation for the company to achieve high-quality development.

During the period, Zhao Qiming had the in-depth project construction inspection of project progress, safety management, quality control and other aspects, and had the in-depth exchanges with Hao Hongliang, Deputy General Manager of National Energy Group Shandong Power Company Limited, and Wang Hai, General Manager of National Energy Boxing Power Generation Company Limited, on the follow-up cooperation of the project.

POWERCHINA safety and environmental protection department, safety inspection team relevant personnel and SEPCOIII senior management, safety and environmental protection department relevant personnel to participate in the inspection.
